Category: Musings

Filters, Phase, and the Double Patched Kick

Filters, Phase, and the Double Patched Kick

This post comes on the heels of this article by my friend Jim Yakabuski, and my recent article about double-patched channels, so if you’re not up to speed on those, check them out and then come back. I’ll be here.   Back? Okay great. So the discussion now is that we want to split a …

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Two Common Confusions about Console EQ

Two Common Confusions about Console EQ

I’ve seen a couple things lately related to console EQ that I wanted to shed some light on and hopefully get a good dialogue going. But we’re gonna keep it short and sweet. “Air Band” EQ A couple consoles running at at 96 kHz will allow tuning EQ bands out past 20 kHz. (Some call …

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Beware Autopilot and Flying Wrenches: Why I Am Uncomfortable with Getting Too Comfortable

Beware Autopilot and Flying Wrenches: Why I Am Uncomfortable with Getting Too Comfortable

“It’s an easy gig. Just three microphones.” Sounds good, right? But as the day went on, things began to change. The event was a “roundtable” discussion between a moderator and two CEOs who each had a net worth in excess of a billion dollars. They have “people.” There was a fair amount of “hovering” going …

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